Wiki History Listing

V2 A character's hair, specifically [[twintails]], or [[horn]]s held by their partner while being penetrated [[from_behind]] or giving [[oral]]|[[fellatio]]. The term comes from "handlebars" or the parts of a bike or motorcycle a person holds to steer while riding.

See also:
* [[horn_grab]]
* [[hair_grab]]
Updated by Opabinia Thu, Feb 22 '24, 21:30
V1 A character's hair, specifically [[twintails]], or [[horn]]s held by their partner while being penetrated [[from_behind]] or giving [[oral]]|[[fellatio]]. The term comes from "handlebars" or the parts of a bike or motorcycle a person holds to steer while riding.
Updated by perverserknight Tue, Feb 13 '24, 19:34