Wiki History Listing

V1 Lilies are flowers of the genus [i]lilium[/i] and exist in various shapes and colors.

White lilies are probably the most well-known kind, being either [i]Lilium candidum[/i] (Madonna Lilies) or [i]Lilium longiflorum[/i] (Easter Lily) with their characteristic trumpet shape.

Lilies are a symbol for Girls Love as well as an eponym for its alternate name [[yuri]] due to their Japanese name "yuri".

h4. Examples

* post #1323515: [i]Lilium candidum[/i]
* post #1333457: [i]Lilium longiflorum[/i]
* post #1080404: Lilies as yuri moment decoration

h4. See also

* [[Calla Lily]]
* [[Lily pad]]
* [[Flower]]
* [[Lotus]]
* [[Lily Of The Valley]]
* [[Yuri]]
* [[Tag group:Flowers]]

h4. External links

* "Wikipedia: Lilium":[]
* "Wikipedia: Lilium candidum":[]
* "Wikipedia: Lilium longiflorum":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54