Wiki History Listing

V4 The classic design of [[harley_quinn]] first seen in the [[batman:_the_animated_series]].
The design is a classic red and black jester suit with black rhombuses.
This design also usually has Harley with a white face either from white face paint or from having actual [[white_skin]].
Updated by v491557 Thu, Mar 07 '24, 04:29
V3 The classic design of harley quinn first seen in the batman the animated series
the design is a classic red and black jester suit
she has white facepaint and black rhombuses.
Updated by Qwerty3141 Thu, Mar 07 '24, 03:08
V2 The classic design of harley quinn first seen in the batman the animated series
Updated by Qwerty3141 Thu, Mar 07 '24, 03:03
V1 The classic design of harley quinn first seen in the batman the animated series
Updated by Qwerty3141 Thu, Mar 07 '24, 03:03