Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Mecha]] from the [[Metal Gear_(series)|]] series.

"Metal Gear was the designation given to various models of bipedal [[tank]]s. They were behemoth machines capable of decimating lesser machines. Metal Gear had the distinction of being [[nuclear_weapon|nuclear]] capable, [[firing]] warheads from their [[railgun]], eliminating the need for a [[missile]], or launchpad allowing them to attack targets from anywhere in the world, on any kind of terrain. This peaked with [[Metal Gear REX]] which was sophisticated enough to launch a nuke and hit a target from anywhere in the world. REX also had the distinction of being completely untraceable."

h1. List of Metal Gears

* [[Metal Gear D]]
* [[Metal Gear GANDER]]
* [[Metal Gear RAXA]]
* [[Metal Gear RAY]]
* [[Metal Gear REX]]
* [[Metal Gear Sahelanthropus]]
* [[Metal Gear ZEKE]]
* [[Peace Walker (mecha)|]]
* [[Shagohod]]
* [[TX-55 Metal Gear]]

h1. See also

* [[Gekko (metal_gear)|]]
* [[Metal Gear Mk. II]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54