Now Viewing: china
Tag type: General
On Danbooru, China refers to the the People's Republic of China, otherwise known as mainland China, as well as the broader cultural and political idea of China.
States outside of Mainland China or nominally separate nations, tags such as Taiwan for the Republic of China, and Hong Kong or Macau may be used.
h4. Landmarks
* Great Wall of China
* Forbidden City
* Oriental Pearl Tower
* Tiananmen Square
h4. Cities
* Beijing
* Hong Kong
* Macau
* Shanghai
h4. Figures and leaders
h5. Ancient China
* Cao Cao
* Guan Yu
* Liu Bei
* Lu Bu
* Qin Shi Huang
* Sun Quan
* Wu Zetian
h5. Modern China
* Aisin-gioro Puyi
* Chiang Kai-shek
* Hu Jintao
* Jiang Zemin
* Mao Zedong
* Sun Yat-Sen
* Xi Jinping
* Yuan shikai
* Zhou Enlai
h4. See also
* Taiwan (Republic of China)
* Macau
* Hong Kong
* For Chinese and Chinese family languages: Chinese text
h4. External links
* "Wikipedia: China":[]
Other Wiki Information
Last updated: Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54
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