BBooru alakazam angry arbok arcanine articuno beanie beedrill bellsprout bird black background blastoise bone breathing fire bubble bug bulbasaur butterfly butterfree caterpie chansey charizard charmander charmeleon claws clefable clefairy clenched hand clenched hands closed eyes clothed pokemon cloyster commentary copyright name creature crossed arms cubone dewgong diglett ditto dodrio doduo dragon dragonair dragonite dratini drooling drowzee dugtrio eevee ekans electabuzz electricity electrode energy beam exeggcute exeggutor eye contact fangs farfetch'd fearow fetal position fiery hair fiery tail fighting fire fish flareon floating furrowed eyebrows gastly gen 1 pokemon gengar geodude gloom golbat goldeen golduck golem (pokemon) graveler grimer growlithe gyarados hat haunter heart highres hitmonchan hitmonlee holding holding bone holding spoon horn horns horsea hypno insects ivysaur jhall jigglypuff jolteon jynx kabuto (pokemon) kabutops kadabra kakuna kangaskhan kicking kingler koffing krabby lapras licking lickitung lipstick long sleeves looking at another looking at viewer lying machamp machoke machop magikarp magmar magnemite magneton makeup mankey marowak master ball meowth metapod mew mewtwo middle finger missingno. moltres mr. mime muk multiple arms multiple heads musical note nidoking nidoqueen nidoran nidorina nidorino ninetales no humans nose piercing nose ring oddish omanyte omastar on side onix paras parasect persian pidgeot pidgeotto pidgey piercing pikachu pinsir poke ball poke ball (generic) pokemon pokemon (creature) poliwag poliwhirl poliwrath ponyta porygon primeape psyduck punching raichu rapidash raticate rattata rhydon rhyhorn sandshrew sandslash scyther seadra seaking seel sharp teeth shellder signature simple background sitting slowbro slowpoke smoke snorlax spearow spoken musical note spoon squirtle standing starmie staryu sunglasses sweater tail tangela tauros teeth tentacool tentacruel tongue tongue out transformed ditto upside-down vaporeon venomoth venonat venusaur victreebel vileplume voltorb vulpix wartortle weedle weepinbell weezing wigglytuff zapdos zubat2024-11-20T02:34:33ZBBooru
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  • Nobody here but us chickens!